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            - 对于使用WIN XP操作系统的用户,因该系统不支持https协议,建议用户升级操作系统。
            - 对于使用Win7操作系统的用户,IE浏览器需要进行配置,具体操作方法详见 《设置IE浏览器证书类型》(点击下载)
            页面将于 3 秒后自动切换至 https 协议。

            In order to strengthen the security of the system, FSOP has from the HTTP protocol to the HTTPS protocol access to log in.
            For Windows XP , because the operating system does not support the HTTPS protocol, we suggest users to upgrade the operating system.
            For Windows 7, IE browser needs to be configured, specific operation method as shown in the set Internet explorer certificate type (click on the download).
            This page will automatically switch to the HTTPS protocol in 3 seconds